Monday, January 20, 2014

Today I cried. And the reason for my tears was because someone had read my blog about my New Years Resolutions, and that the desire to read more, was one of my resolutions. So, three books were delivered to my daughters work with a covering note. They had read my Resolutions blog and hoped the books would get me going, then they wished me Happy Reading! And then they didn't sign it....

So, to whomever you are......thank you so much! Even though you made me cry......THANK YOU!!
I am unfamiliar with two of the books, but one I did know about, and I wanted to read it, so again.....THANK YOU! That is one resolution that I can firmly tick off now. Happy days!

My daughter, who the books were delivered to, also came across this quote....

The best moves in life are made in silence. Don't talk about it. Just do it and let everyone else talk about it.

Well, we are definitely talking....

Sometimes the kindness of strangers is overwhelming.....

We are having to raise money to make adaptions to our home, and this weekend was also the weekend of the pub quiz fundraiser at our local pub. The couple organising it, are not strangers to me. But as I entered the pub, I was more than amazed by the amount of people present. And they were, for the most part, strangers. Garden furniture had to be bought in as the seats were running out. All these people filled not one, but two bars and the restaurant too. There had been generous donations also, for the raffle. So generous in fact, it seemed a never ending task for my friend to get through!

The bar was drank dry of beer, vodka and wine, and the leaded windows got steamed up by the boozy a good night, all in all!

So the last few days have served to make me feel as though I'm not walking/wobbling/wheeling the journey that is ms alone. There are life rafts and leg ups aplenty....and for that I am grateful beyond belief.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Congratulations to me! Resolutions are going well so far.......ish.

1, Listen to more music......And right on time to help me out, Elbow release another album. I have pre ordered it, so that will be a good surprise in a month or two, when it plops on to the door mat. Guy Garvey is a bit of a genius, so he will always have a place in my heart. So until I get his latest offering I best get busy with the music that I already have.

2, Read more......I am cracking on with my new purchase. Purchased with these resolutions in mind actually, and with a desire to succeed, I chose Casual Vacancy by J K Rowling, and very good it is too. It is a novel aimed at a more adult readership than her previous incredibly successful offerings. I didn't jump on the Potter band wagon (unlike my daughter, who has extensive knowledge of all things Hogwarts).

Rowling and Garvey notice the little things, and report them back beautifully. Be they the heartbreaking or the ordinary things, the way they pitch those things is to make the ordinary extraordinary.

3, To get out more.....not an easy one, as I can't do this independently, but out I have been. The good man and I went out for lunch the other day, and I have plans with friends this week too, and the pub quiz to attend that's being put on on my behalf too.

4, To enjoy being in more......I had friends round last, crisps, chocolate and chatting. I've know those friends for an awful long time....pretty much a lifetime actually, and there is always news to share, and ideas to discuss.

5, To laugh more......hhhmmmm.....this is the tricky one, as despite the many good things I have, life is like a set of scales, and there is a bag of crap dumped on the scales, that is tipping the balance. MORE WORK NEEDED HERE.

6, To notice more......and with Garvey and Rowling as my can I fail? It's the little things.....notice the little things, and verbalise them. I am fond of saying to the good man, the little things are the everyday glue. And we all need help in keeping it glued together.

7, Just be more........Doing all of the above and getting no 5 sorted, how could I be less?

I have also been continuing with the grand clear out. And I'm enjoying the space that this has created for me, my family, and my walking, inquisitive little man.

Here's to being more. Best get cracking on with no 5 then, and back to my book.....

Until next time....

Thursday, January 9, 2014

In my last post I mentioned that MS was my nemesis/redeemer, because along with the horrific crap, there have been many good things that I've gained/learnt because of it. That said there are a few people, amongst the many, I'd like to say thank you to for their metaphorical leg ups. I am blessed to know many people that are forthcoming with help and friendship, and I'm grateful to them all. But right now, these two get the first two virtual hugs.

My first shout out is to a lovely lady who helped me with all things blog related, and her assistance was much needed, especially in the early days. Computers and I are not the best of friends, so tears and frustration were regular features, as were cries for help from this lovely 'if she doesn't know it, it's not worth knowing' lady.

Her blog is exquisite and mainly focusses on the delight of what we put on our table, with her writing oozing with personality, and experiences, charm and it entices you to read more. Click on the link below the photo to read her blog, the photo was sourced from one of her blogposts.

Also, a local lady, and her family, are also putting on a pub quiz event. All funds raised from this, will be going to me. This lady has a nothing but kind nature, a trait that is often devalued in today's society, she makes me laugh, and her hard working, charismatic personality rubs off on you and makes you feel warm inside. You would want her on your side, in a pub quiz, or just in life.

Without doubt, MS is hard to live with. But what makes it easier to live with, is the people around you, and the leg ups they readily give you. And for that I say THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Long time ; no words. Absence does not always make the heart grow fonder, but sometimes chooses to encourage forgetfulness. With this in mind, and fearing my words would be forgotten, I felt panic rising, and I found it increasingly difficult to make sense of the words crashing around inside my poor muddled, but vacant head.

This year kicked off with me having a move around of furniture, in a bid for space for me, the little man, and our family. Every now and then I can feel the walls closing in on me, so periodically I have a clear out. I swear I  can breathe a little better as soon as the last bag heads off to the charity shop.
What better way to start the new year feeling revived, and with a lung full of clear air and space to move?

As the house got cleared, and order was restored, so too was my thinking about what to write.

So what do I hope for in 2014? Well, for me, I'm continuing with space, and I plan to maintain it. I really believe your home is a reflection of your mind. A cluttered jumble seems to result in cluttered jumbled thinking. No thanks to that! Space to think. Space to live. Space to breathe. And this results in a space to enjoy. And as I'm home ALOT it has to be that I'm happy to be in it, and to raise my boy in it, and for my family to spend time in it. It has to be the heart.

So, tis the time of resolutions. For me, it tends to be more successful, if I take something up. Something I want to do, or something I realise I am missing, and plan to reintroduce. So, I plan to listen to more music, to read more, to get out more, to enjoy being in more, to laugh more, to notice more and to just be more.

The key to successful resolutions, successful anything, is to be realistic. Which brings me to my nemesis/redeemer MS. This also requires you to be realistic. I have made it my business to find out about the drugs, about the trials, about the disease. Only with knowledge, can you be realistic. So that said, here's to knowledge, here's to being realistic, and here's to 2014.