Friday, August 22, 2014

Today, we thought we'd get up and out. We had until early afternoon, and the world was ours for the taking until then. So, we headed to a local art gallery to see an exhibition called The Best Is Not Too Good For You. As is customary, we decided before entering to select a favourite piece. This really gets you to LOOK and really SEE. And by chatting about your choice, it adds another layer too, y'know?

Surprisingly, or maybe not ;) we both chose the same item, that being an Anti-Slavery Medallion from 1795 'Am I Not A Man And A Brother? ' It was about the 3 cm in diameter in size, so small, but it packed a punch. It will be in my head for some time. If not, for ever.

I was an Art student, back in the day, and my work was picked to be exhibited at the same gallery, and I felt SO PROUD! And I still am. I need to re visit this dormant part of me. WAKE UP!!

Maybe this is one of the reasons why the medallion hit a chord. Somebody else reminding that a person's colour is nothing of note. Segregation was based on skin colour alone. Maybe this is why it hit home. I identify with a struggle to be seen as a whole person. I get overlooked. Not everywhere is welcoming to me. I have to PROVE my worth. And my worth is more than my wheelchair. Sometimes, my chair is all people see. Sometimes, colour is all people see. Neither of those attributes make the person.

And then we had lunch in a place that has now witnessed the little man having a strop. Well, he is 2. And we witnessed the weather go from sunny to not so sunny in no time. Which was nice. Anyway, back home in time to meet the man who is changing the door in the little man's room. And not before time! You know those jobs that just hang round, patiently waiting for you to pull your finger out? Yeah well, I have a little list, and the door is just the start…..

So anyway, the best bit about today was that I wanted to go to the gallery, and I did, and it was accessible. This may not sound like much, but it is. There's a world out there, and I want to fill my boots with it.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Today has been one of those days, that has seen me sleeping LOADS, needing a shower and missing out on family time. Whilst this is VERY annoying, it's because I've been doing stuff. Win some/lose some.

Two days ago The Good Man and I got the little man's room ready. The good man did the bulk of it, so  I probably shouldn't blame my knackeredness on that.

Then yesterday I went out with friends for afternoon tea at a beautiful place near me. The scones were out of this world, especially piled high with jam and cream, but the best bit is just chatting with friends and being treated as a 'normal'. When I am with them, it seems that my wheelchair is just an accessory, and a valued one at that.

Last night we were visited by friends that I went to art school with. It's always good to see them, and reminisce about the old days. They both work in the art world, but more importantly, they're HAVING A BABY! And brilliant parents they will be. Lucky baby!

I was hardly being a crazy party animal, but today has been spent in bed. Ridiculous init? And as I write this post, I'm in my pjs and in serious need of a shower. LUSH.

Whilst I know I'm blessed to have friends, and people to do stuff with, I really hate the consequences.
Back in the day, I was ALWAYS busy. And I miss that. I spend too much time on my own NOT doing stuff, and it drives me crayzeeee. I need to make a plan. Because I'm driving myself nuts. But what to do…….?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's that time again, where I drive my family mad, with my bleatings of  'but what shall I write?' And there is so much around at the moment…..


I mean, what the hell? A friend summed it up with the words, 'Say a group of people were constantly throwing bricks through your windows, slowly moving your garden fence closer to your house and no matter how many times you screamed for help, no one would come….. '

Anti-gay laws.
Shootings in America.
Missing planes.

…..and whilst these are worthy of attention, they are worthy of so much more than anything I've got to say. 

So, sticking closer to home, I am so happy to report that my 3 eldest girls are planning to raise money for the MS Trust, by cycling from London to Paris. At the moment they don't have bikes. Well, they do, but they're rusty, flat contraptions not worthy of riding down the road. But, they have over a year to prepare. And luckily, we have people around us with very useful knowledge, that are making themselves available to offer help and guidance. So, BIG THANKS to you all! I'll keep you posted on how it all goes……

And the other day me, as director of operations ;) and my youngest girl, cleared out the shed. The shed was a bit like a Tardis, and as it's guts were spilled on to the lawn, I found myself wondering how it all fit in there. And why have I kept 25 or so paint cans? And WHO decided to keep a bit of broken pipe? The car was filled for a tip run, order was restored and we celebrated with an ice-cream on a good job well done. It was a really sunny day, and don't ask me how, but I burnt one leg. One leg! How?

What's really caught my eye in the papers, is the fact that Alison Lapper is back in the headlines. For those of you that need a reminder, she is the lady that topped a plinth at Trafalgar Square, as a pregnant, naked model, for the artist Marc Quinn. He made a statue of her, and as Alison has been born with no arms and shortened legs, she is not your 'classic' model. The image challenges, and makes you think. Much like Alison herself… can read her interview on 2/08/14 here:

There seems to be support for parents of disabled children, but not so much support for parents that are disabled, and as a result 'we're being watched, so we have to be 150% better than everybody else.' Says Lapper, and I couldn't agree more. And regardless of anybody watching and waiting for me to fuck up, I know I'm doing a good job.

And I have a happy little man, a girl willing to take on the shed, and girls prepared to cycle to Paris, as a result. Who could ask for more?