Saturday, November 25, 2017

SLEEP! Yes please.

It’s Friday and my girl is home from uni, to go to my other daughters 2nd hen party. Hen party #1 involed a lot to drink, and no old people. We, as the old, refined people are going for a cream tea, which is being gate crashed by the youthful lot as well. Because who doesn’t love a cream tea? I know what I’m wearing too. Sad as I am.

Next Saturday I’m going out to have my first ever try of Ethiopian food. I’m really looking forward to it. And I’m also looking forward to getting to spend some time with someone I don’t get to see enough of anymore. Between us, we have eight kids, so I snapped her hand off when she suggested it.
I’ll let you know what it tastes like, and if I remember to take any photos, I’ll share them too.

Every week I go to a local hospice, and despite the fact that everybody has a gloomy prognosis, people are positive. If I was in their shoes, I can’t promise I’d be the same. They also have a good number of volunteers too. And most of them have been going for years. As soon as you get there  you’re offered tea, and there’s people offering complimentary therapies, hairdressing and a counsellor  too. There’s also a lady that does art. She’s a ceramicist by trade, so we have plenty to talk about. And if you’re religious, there’s someone to talk too. I’m not religious, but I could talk to him all day. He’s interesting and interested.
So, yeah it’s got it all really.

The boys have just headed out to adventure zone, in a bid to wear them out, as they are overflowing with energy. My energy level is a tad on the low side, despite whatever amount of sleep. I’ve bought a book about getting quality sleep and it’s out for delivery today. I’m hoping it has some miracle answers. I can’t remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed.

Sleep! I’m coming for you now/today/tonight/this weekend.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Russian Roulette.

Today I have the pleasure of the company of The Good Man. Well, that is as soon as he’s get dressed then. Aw but I’ve got to wait for him to help me. Bugger. Might as well go to sleep then.....
My mind is still busy, and rushing around, juggling little people, but it’s not communicating this to my less-than-physical body. It’s a bloody ball ache.
There’s a treatment you can have, HSCT, and so far, it looks good. Really good actually. Wheelchair in, walk out. It costs a pretty penny, and I’m waiting and watching, to see how people fair over time.
As treatment goes, it’s pretty hard core, but so is living with MS. It’s an unreasonable ARSE HOLE. And is determined to rot you away. It’s had my legs. It’s working on my mind. And hands. And oh would you please just F**k OFF! MS does not follow the same course for everyone. There are about a hundred different symptoms, all with a differing severity.

So it really is like playing Russian Roulette.

I would love to learn to shoot, but not on myself. Sorry.

Yeah, so moving on......let’s talk CHRISTMAS! I only have to get for The Good Man now. And no, not a clue do I have. I took care of the younger bunch of girls and The Good Man took the boys, this lot are too young to be in secret santa. They can choose to join secret santa, or not, when they’re  21.  So Christmas shopping now is really is a breeze. And enjoyable too.

I had a clear out of my bags the other day. There was only one surviving bag, a bottle green Ted Baker one.....I love it, but it doesn’t go with everything, I got a go-with-everything bag. We are in love!❤️ The Good Man didn’t understand my logic here. In fact, I think he thought I was devoid of all logic. But no! I have a keen sense lady logic. And it serves me well.

Daughter no.2 is having her hen party, for the old lady contingent. Cream tea for us all, YUM! The Bride went out with her yoof squad a week or two ago. So now it’s our turn. And I’m really looking forward to it! A little bride present arrived in the post today! It’s really pretty, and I can’t wait to give it to her. She’s come a long way from the little girl that used to spin her pants round on her finger. Well, maybe not.

But that’s between her and the groom.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Trick or treating was the name of the game tonight. We don’t get many calling here, unlike when we lived in a village. I miss that. Seeing all the kids, most of whom I knew, was generally good too. I say generally........unless you caught them coming round again.......or seeing some of a questionable old are you now? Seventeen? Bugger off! So, anyway.....back to tonight......I was on door duty tonight and the Good Man was roaming the streets with The Little Man, In search of sweets and chocolate. Both big and little boys were dressed up. And I had a Frankenstein’s monster mask. Which the two little girls, aged about four, and dressed as fairies, did not appreciate. Sorry girls. Have some sweets. Sorry. Next year I’ll bag going out.

Fast forward to a week after trick or treating, to now, and I’m still lounging in bed,
lazy moo. Sort of. I have a love/hate relationship with my bed. I hate that I can’t get in or out without someone helping me. I NEVER would’ve envisioned this life when I was flinging myself around on a trampoline, or when I was riding/falling off of horses. How I am now, was probably natures way of preventing me from killing myself. I got the girls to put their mattresses on the stairs, and get in a sleeping bag, and wheeee down the stairs. I wonder if they remember that?? So yeah, who would’ve seen this life for me?
When I was told I had a rapidly evolving aggressive MS, I didn’t really understand what that meant. It wasn’t explained to me, and as I was still reeling from the diagnosis (in the same meeting ) I didn’t have the wherewithal to question it, what that REALLY meant. I get it now, but then? No. And I had a life to be getting on with.

And I did. For a while anyway. Walking. Driving. Meeting up with friends. Dating (a little bit). Still, anyway, one of my dates became the Mr to my Mrs, and we lived, reasonably happy ever after. Which is the best you can hope for, if you sometimes have views that are opposing forces.....

Being firework night the other night, meant en mass, we wrapped up and headed up the road, to what will be our boys junior school. They put on a pretty spectacular firework display. But the most impressive thing was the way the infants and junior school communicated with each other Re:me. We were met at the school gates, by a lady that lead us round to an area that was marked out for us, where we were off the main pathway, but had a good view (through a tree’s bare branches)but near the hotdog and drinks stand. And then the lady reappeared at the end of the display, to show us the short cut way out.

I hope to be returning to college to do either ceramics again, or sign language. I wish there wasn’t an ‘or’ there, but I can’t afford the moola, or the time,(well I can, but Mr, as my chauffeur cannot). So which will I choose? I miss ceramics, even the messy bits, wearing the clay on my hands, and my face and the scruffy clothing that gets chosen, as if I were decorating. But BSL is a long held dream, The little I know I loved learning and using.
Is that a problem that has earned the name #firstworldproblems?