Friday, March 30, 2018

Interlinking circles.

Following a mini catastrophe, my very best friend popped over. And gave me her bracelet. LIKE I SAID I LOVE HER. For the bracelet, obviously, and her time, that she freely gives. When my first husband and I split up, it was her spare room, that I inhabited. I love her and her family.
However, she made me feel OLD.

Turns out, the boy I baby sat once or twice ONLY HAS RELEASED A SONG, THAT I THINK’S BEAUTIFUL. But like I said, I’m old. And with that I started a new moisturiser routine to prevent crumbling away.

Check the song out; Bruno Major, Easily. It’s beautiful. He’s my big girls cousin.....AND, he’s beautiful. I remember he was a really good boy, no bother.

Talking of no bother, that’s what my legs aren’t. And I can’t work out why the bit of my body that’s mostly numb, and frankly fucking useless, if I hacked them off I wouldn’t miss them, AND there’d be a significant weight loss. Pass me that saw ;) Every cloud ‘n’ all that.

And earlier today I was holding my ladyshave (which was still on) and resting my head on my hand
An oops, if I didn’t get a clump of long blonde hair. My little man asking me if I was shaving my beard, like daddy, will fondly be remembered as a new low. Tomorrow sees Mr and I going out with the Little Man, to eat all things Easter.......Eggs, obviously, hot cross buns, and I can’t think of anything else?? Lamb? I think that’s it, for Easter themed food.

Enjoy. ❤️

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Birthday boy :)

Today has been a busy day. I’m now in bed with my legs buckled up, and there’s no one to help me.  Well, there is, but they are flat out, fast asleep. Lucky buggers. I just need someone to come and pull them straight!!

It’s The Good Mans birthday is on Saturday! PaaAaaarrRrrtTyyyYyy!!
The Little Man is full of secret plans and clever tricks* too, but because he only has a money box, and my mostly empty purse, it will be interesting to see how creative he can be.

Today’s been a good day.... it’s The Good Man’s birthday tomorrow. And I hope he enjoys it. He’s looking a bit done in at the moment.....proper knackered!! We have all the girls coming round......and various other family members too, and friends, his and mine.
The other good thing to happen today was that I bought Michael McIntyre tickets*. For the 11th of next month!! And that’s not many sleeps away. My daughter went to see him last night with her husband, Michael will be pleased to know he got the thumbs up.

I’m starting to hear movement upstairs. Why/how is it that I’m more excited? It’s like when the girls were teenagers and they were going out at Christmas and sleeping of hangovers on Christmas Day! Come on! Get up! Ooh movement is now downstairs! One excited little man/cake chooser just came skidding into my room to tell me, excitedly it was his dads birthday. Really? I was not aware. Come on now! Get up! I’ve even had a conversation with number 4, and her oldest friend, who’s visiting her. I’m friends with her Mum who sent a photo message to her the other day......wonders never cease...
It’s now 9 in the a.m and I want you to get up husband! Mind you, I did say he looked knackered didn’t I? So, take your time.
I don’t want a full on beard for my husbands birthday but my daughter is unwilling to assist in plucking, so it looks as though I need to rock a birthday beard.

*Turns out I’d only reserved them :( Which also turned out to be a blessing in disguise :) It clashed with one girl being in Prague. AND I’d got the wrong girls. My other two are hardcore fans and ones already been. Not that you can’t go again, but two tickets are cheaper than three. Weird. BUT I will not book them without daughter number one being next to me, with her diary. I’ve learnt my lesson. Excitement will trip you up big styleeee. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Death by a thousand cuts.

So today was mother’s my whole brood descended for a roast, cooked by the Good Man again. Over the years he’s managed to perfect the skill. Good man.
I continue to gripe about the single bed. It is possible to get a double, but as I didn’t have to pay for the single, I think I’m supposed to smile and through gritted teeth say ‘mmm thanks a lot.’ I personally feel it would go a long way to discuss the double as an option and payment of because this whole thing has been like
                                                         DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS.
And one by one, those cuts mean that you lose your life force. And one by one those moments are lost. Like walking along holding hands. Like sitting on the sofa together, as we barely pay attention to a crappy film, and discuss our day. And do you know what, I’d dearly love to go for a walk, whilst holding hands, or with our little man in between us. Or or or, the list is endless.

A quick glance at today’s news, tells me that a nazi who worked at Auschwitz has just died. And can you believe there has actually been a fight over Charles Manson’s corpse? And a young boy died, at the hands of his dad’s girlfriend. Putin. Tory’s snatching food out of children’s mouths. It would be refreshing to balance out the ‘News’ with some good news. Well, I guess that Manson is now a corpse, is good. Givenchy. Syria.

I plan/hope to go shopping next week for bras....this makes me happy. I’m hoping to get some serious  lift and support that my 34b’s didn’t need back in my days of yoof.
It’s 3.30 in the am and I don’t feel sleepy. She says, just before falling asleep. Probably.
And funnily enough......I’ve been tired today. It’s 17.38 now and bloody hell, if I’m not done in. I want to go to sleep, but I’ll try and hold off for a while.