Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today was my last day of IV steroids. This was in response to the fact that I am still relapsing, and I hope beyond hope that the steroids give MS a real good hard kick in the pants.

I need my wits about me for the charity football match this Sunday, and frankly I need all the help I can + football = no clue. So the plan is, be there. Stay awake. And hope not to be glowing like a beacon. Because at present, my face is rosy. And that's being polite.

So my radio interview has been aired, and so far the feedback is good. And it was ok actually. Previously I would have declined the offer to go on the radio.....too scary! But since MS has entered my life.....well, THAT'S scary and unpredictable......everything else......not so much.

AND I'm putting in the order for my wheelchair! How exciting! FREEDOM! They are a fantastic and helpful group of people.....Bromakin at Loughborough in Leicestershire...if you find yourself in need.

And I'm also looking at starting a support group for local MSer's. Because at the moment there is NOTHING!

Last Christmas I was given two tickets to go and see a comedian at The Stables in Milton Keynes this Monday. It was a fantastic venue for wheelchair users, and I can't thank them enough. Helpful, thoughtful and treated me like a 'normal' that just happened to be in a wheelchair. And a damn good laugh was just what the good man and I needed. Cos living with this shit is hard, and we need a break sometimes. Because it is my everyday, I don't get a break, the good man can and does get a break, but he always worries, so just to forget a while is just incredible. A real tonic.

No doubt my next blog will be about the football match, so until then, be well.

This one's for you Kat. Sometimes life chucks us a curve ball, and despite the people and support we may have around us, we are the ones that wake up with the crap, and go to sleep with it too. And it can make the most loved person feel alone. Know you are not alone.

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