Thursday, July 21, 2016

The drugs do work. And I'm feeling the love......

Today is my last dose of intravenous steroids. I can already feel them working in little's easier to transfer from, and into my wheelchair, my face is a startling red and SO warm, and I went to the supermarket at something like 9 o clock last night on my scooter, and dropped flowers off to a friend. Which sounds a bit more normal than what I actually did. A while ago my scooter sank on her gravel driveway, and not wishing to repeat that bit of strandedness, I just chucked the roses onto her driveway, and text her that there was something I'd left/chucked just inside her gate. Anyway, I received a message of thanks and confirmation that they had survived and were now sitting pretty.

And it's 2.30am, and sleep evades me. A fact that will no doubt thrill me, when I'm up at 7am. I need my beauty sleep these days, and 4 hours doesn't cut it.

The weather here has been glorious, so much so that the little man strips off as soon as he's home. He can't get enough of the outside tap and a bucket, and standing in it. I heard the Good Man discussing the early mathematics of sinking and floating, more than and less than, and estimating how many cups will be needed to fill up Badgers water bowl. So it was not surprising that yesterday I read in the little mans report from nursery that he's ahead in maths. Which is a bit of a relief as he will be four plus a couple of days when he starts school this year. But realistically, he'll probably handle it better than his dad and I. Actually, just his dad. I'm slightly more hardcore.

I can't express how happy I am that today the cannula will be removed from the back of my hand. I look like that funny twat, Keith Lemon, with it all bandaged up. And as I self proppel myself, it gets really grubby. So yeah, small price to pay for feeling better, but I won't miss it.

As is the way, you generally get chatting with other people at steroid days, and I left with a heavier friend quota. I had time to kill whilst I waited for the good man to do his appointments. Starbucks provided me with a caramel frappachino, whsmiths provided me with books, and another shop provided me with presents for the little mans key worker at nursery.

I realise that I haven't shared any photos for ages, and now I can't remember how to do it. I am so frustrating! I wanted to share a photo of me and my youngest girl, who has appointed herself as my personal entertainments officer. She wants us to do something together everyday. And we have! Although not today. But through the medium that is babysitting, she enabled me to go to the shop. This also enabled her to give me a list of acceptable gifts, that she would be happy to receive. Any clothing. Hippyish style. I forgot the hippyish bit, and came back with a black denim mini skirt. The jury is still out on if it will be accepted. Or exchanged.

Oh well. Can't win them all.

But scrap that, because I do feel like a winner, due to a lovely lovely bouquet of flowers I received today, complete with note, but NO NAME!!!! So, if the sender also reads my words, to you I send a HUGE HUG, BIG LOVE, and as I could work my way through a list of friends that may be guilty, it was pointed out that I had a lot of friends :) I may have lost some, but I've gained more, and existing ones are deeper under my skin. So, thank you for making me realise that, and thank you once again. I LOVE THEM, you chose excellently❤️😍

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