Sunday, December 18, 2016

What comes first? The fridge/freezer or car? You can keep your chicken and eggs..I've nowhere to store them!!

Today is not the best day I've had. Well, it was part lush, but always with an undercurrent of MEH! In my extended family, we do secret Santa. And today is the day! But am I there? No....and have I been in a coma for most of the day? Yes I bloody well have! The person that bought for me, got the present to me, and it hit the spot! Someone that knows me well enough to know that the biggest ever chocolate bar, a large and beautiful yankee candle, and lush smelling body wash, and one of those puffy things, and it all hit the spot! So, missing out being there = meh! But facetiming and saying hi to the 19 family members = fantastic!! As does opening my present......thank you! Xx

I also answered the door earlier, to a food delivery, that my sister arranged to have sent to that was a Billy Bonus too! So whilst I'm feeling a bit grumpy about missing out, my family have still included me in their day's celebration and that scores highly on the happiness chart. My sister has a signature dish of a beautiful crunchy/chewy pavlova, and piled high with cream and raspberries; and as I couldn't be there to help devour it, there was a raspberry pavlova in the food delivery. I'm sure it won't be as good as my sisters, but sending and knowing my favourite stuff, scores very highly! Oh and there was a Dr Pepper too.
She could have got me a new and bigger fridge freezer though. It was a struggle to get it all in, and as I was placing/ramming things in, ice was  groaning and chipping. De-icing the freezer was probably not my sister's intention. I've been thinking for a while about a new and bigger fridge freezer......but as we need a new car too, I think I'd best forget it.

Still, Santa might deliver..........??.....


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