For Jack....Thank you for your friendship.
Well, what to say? I've started to go into the garden at night to fully appreciate where I live. I live in the old village part of a not so slowly growing area not so built up to interrupt my star gazing evenings. There's one star that glows and glistens, quite apart from the others. I wonder what the view from there to us looks like, and I remember Carl Sagan's video called The Pale Blue Dot. It's beautiful.
I have also been introduced Jesca Hoop by Sarah Scott. High five to you beautiful lady. I thank you.
AND she's only gone and done a collaboration with Guy Garvey of Elbow, Jesca that is, not Sarah. I LOVE him!! As my girls will confirm.
My internet wandering, rewards me with Jonathan Pie, a book, and a marvel super hero towel for the Little Man's swimming lessons.
I love the internet, and how easy it makes things, which is much appreciated by my non driving and non walking self. For my sins, I confess to also liking videos of spot picking. I recommend Dr Sandra Lee, for any other weirdos with the same.......what? Fetish?
Today I went to try out a new wheelchair and oh my goodness, it was awesome and I can't wait to get it! It's smaller than mine, and much more comfortable too! And as it's powered, easier too. I've become quite familiar over time in what I need and what's available. For example, the one I tried today is unable to fold, and it's too heavy to lift and bung in the boot, so that has a knock on effect on what kind of car we have.
It's not easy, this blog writing. Always having to think of something to say? The Good Man just reminded me of our looming date night.......We are off to see Russell Brand. Funny AND kind of man.....But ssshhhhh, don't tell The Good Man ;-) We may even have time to go to Wagamama's. Should be a good night.
Click here to watch The Pale Blue Dot.
Well, what to say? I've started to go into the garden at night to fully appreciate where I live. I live in the old village part of a not so slowly growing area not so built up to interrupt my star gazing evenings. There's one star that glows and glistens, quite apart from the others. I wonder what the view from there to us looks like, and I remember Carl Sagan's video called The Pale Blue Dot. It's beautiful.
I have also been introduced Jesca Hoop by Sarah Scott. High five to you beautiful lady. I thank you.
AND she's only gone and done a collaboration with Guy Garvey of Elbow, Jesca that is, not Sarah. I LOVE him!! As my girls will confirm.
My internet wandering, rewards me with Jonathan Pie, a book, and a marvel super hero towel for the Little Man's swimming lessons.
I love the internet, and how easy it makes things, which is much appreciated by my non driving and non walking self. For my sins, I confess to also liking videos of spot picking. I recommend Dr Sandra Lee, for any other weirdos with the same.......what? Fetish?
Today I went to try out a new wheelchair and oh my goodness, it was awesome and I can't wait to get it! It's smaller than mine, and much more comfortable too! And as it's powered, easier too. I've become quite familiar over time in what I need and what's available. For example, the one I tried today is unable to fold, and it's too heavy to lift and bung in the boot, so that has a knock on effect on what kind of car we have.
It's not easy, this blog writing. Always having to think of something to say? The Good Man just reminded me of our looming date night.......We are off to see Russell Brand. Funny AND kind of man.....But ssshhhhh, don't tell The Good Man ;-) We may even have time to go to Wagamama's. Should be a good night.
Click here to watch The Pale Blue Dot.
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